Cumbrae is an enjoyable and picturesque holiday destination in Scotland, situated off the west coast of the Clyde. It is well known for its stunning beaches and spectacular views, as well as for its walks, wildlife and watersports. The small town area contains a variety of shops and restaurants, providing excellent refreshments and souvenirs during your stay. Holidays in Cumbrae can be spent enjoying a range of activities such as cycling, fishing, horse riding, golf and kayaking.
Self-catering holiday cottages with hot tubs offer the perfect accommodation option for those seeking a relaxing holiday with added flexibility. Set in stunning locations like Cumbrae, our huge range of cottages offer everything from cosy interiors, to modern amenities, hot tubs and patios for those warmer days. Secluded and spacious, each holiday cottage typically includes a fully-equipped kitchen, allowing guests to cook meals to their own tastes, as well as a living area, garden and wifi for maximum convenience.