Holidays in Chippenham are great for those looking for opportunities to explore Wiltshire's unique countryside. From its historic market town, to scenic riverside walks, there is something for everyone to enjoy. There are several natural beauty spots nearby, such as Cotswold Hills, Savernake Forest, and the Kennet and Avon Canal. Those looking for a cultural experience can find local museums and galleries, such as Chippenham Museum and Art Gallery.
Self-catering holiday cottages with hot tubs offer the perfect accommodation option for those seeking a relaxing holiday with added flexibility. Set in stunning locations like Chippenham, our huge range of cottages offer everything from cosy interiors, to modern amenities, hot tubs and patios for those warmer days. Secluded and spacious, each holiday cottage typically includes a fully-equipped kitchen, allowing guests to cook meals to their own tastes, as well as a living area, garden and wifi for maximum convenience.